Monday, April 28, 2014


Another absolutely lovely spring day on the way!  Yesterday I got all the outside windows washed and today I'll do more inside while it's a bit cool then move outside to paint a couple of things and do a bit more cleaning out of the carport shed.  Need more potting soil and a couple more flowers to plant in an empty planter.  Everything seems to be thriving so far and that inspires me to plant more!   A couple of photos taken recently to update you on the labyrinth and the view from it of the Yogatorium…..Today is another stay-at-home day which gives me the opportunity to just be - my favorite thing in life…..a great find at Susan's yard sale yesterday - a one-quart copper-bottomed pan I had intended trying to buy new somewhere for many months and simply never got around to doing it.  After a bit of spit and polish it looks almost new.  What a joy to be sharing stuff from a friend's home!  Some day I'm gonna make a list of all the items I have in my cottage that originated from someone else's life.  I know they are much more meaningful than stuff I buy at a store.  Sharing - that's what a good life is all about.  (I knew if I wrote long enough this morning, some good message would show up!)

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