Friday, September 13, 2013

Fire in the Forest Meditation

Last evening time around a fire in a hole dug in the woods was magical.  All kinds of interesting thoughts arose when studying flames and coals.  Gazing at fire always brings peace to me.  I can't imagine feeling anything else.  Flames seem to say "we're sending your messages to the Universe" and coals provide a kind of reassurance that all is well.  I am at peace with the world.  It was difficult to leave but as darkness fell, making my way out of the woods was a bit tricky.  There are many stump holes left behind by trees that have died and dissolved back into Mother Earth.  There are spider webs, occasional fragments of barbed wire left over from very old fences, and many sticks, briers, vines, rotting tree trunks, and root balls to make my way around.  Somehow all reminiscent of life's obstacles.  And finally the clearing is reached, a few stars have showed up, the moon has peeked over the tree tops, and I am back in the ordinary world.  But a different person has come home.  Each fire changes me, helps me grow closer to my true Self.  Time for my walk.

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