Saturday, July 7, 2012

Saturday Sailing On the Docket

Great evening out at Captain Woody's - scallops Jasmine on my plate.  One of my favorite meals of the year!   Spent some time sunning at South Beach where comparatively few people were - giving me lots of quiet space to relish my surroundings while the rest of the family sunned and played at the Shipyard beach area which is totally FILLED with people.  And I spent my time contemplating how very fortunate I am to have this time away to just be with family and still have my quiet time......  Today is sailing day with Jim on Solitude - great memories from my time last summer with a week in Annapolis on Solitude.  Perfect name for a boat I enjoy.  There's something about being on the water that is inspiring, relaxing, soothing, GOOD for my soul.  I am thrilled to know that following next and last week at Shipyard time share, Jim is taking me sailing up the coast to Beaufort for their Water Festival for a night or two and where else, who knows?  For now, I'm just letting happen what will without my trying to make it happen. Wonderful to give up control and just let life be as it will from moment to moment.

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