Monday, July 12, 2010

Prepping for St. Louis

The second phase of my vacation has begun. I came to Suwanee, Luke's home, yesterday and today we will drive to St. Louis. Tomorrow morning we get Gus, the new puppy, and bring him home. Then, the fun will really begin! I'm so very fortunate to be a part of this family. This morning I've been perusing the trip-tik and maps and guidebook, found a motel for tonight and now will take a rest break in preparation for the 9-hour drive with Luke. Another blessing - to have an overnight together without others around - a very rare opportunity - perhaps a first in 15 years! And, who knows when it may occur again - likely another 15 years. My healthy eating plan for the past 7 weeks has truly paid off. I am back to my pre-children weight for the first time in 46 years!!! No, that's not true - I did it 14 years ago for Luke's wedding - but it only lasted a couple days past the wedding! The strange thing about it - I am finding no real desire for sweets - and that's the major change I made - stopped the candy, cookies, ice cream, etc. that I was bingeing on almost nightly. Could this mean I've conquered that demon? I do know my interest in yoga has escalated and I'm back to studying it daily - going through Patanjali's Yoga Sutras again with a very different understanding. I'm beginning to understand yoga as a total lifestyle opportunity that has given me a much more comfortable, peaceful approach to life. Somehow, things that seemed to be worrisome, frightening, upsetting, disturbing, etc. are not so much so. Events that previously upset me somehow don't seem important enough to respond to. And, things that seemed less than important now do! Like satisfying kookie desires - like the child's watch I bought at HH. It has a rubber band with turtles all around it and even one on the face of the watch that is the seconds indicator! What fun it is to glance at him as he makes his (HER?) trip around the face. And, there are numerals on the face as well as bigger ones on the case around the face of the clock. And, there is a real clock face - not digital stuff. So I can tell at a glance how many minutes are left till whatever time I'm waiting for. What a find! Enough trivia for one morning! Have a HAPPY day!

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