Monday, May 17, 2010

A Rainy Day - Cateechee Fest Report

Photo by Ashley Grier - Thanks, Ashley!
I'm back at the window. It's raining softly - has been very dry lately so I am grateful. The circles forming on the Pond surface look like glittering stars, sparkling with light against the dark gray-green of the surface. Since it is overcast, there are no streaks of sunlight - just a softness that invites me to stay in today and just be. The temperature is perfect to leave the door open to the screen porch and to sit there, which I will with my next cup of green tea. There is much to be grateful for this morning. My presence at the Cateechee Fest in 96 was delightful! Many people spent time looking at the beautiful photos of the Pond on the tri-fold Karen built (with a bit of help from me, but not much). The 6-frame set of yoga poses she put together (all photos by Jim) was truly eye-catching and drew lots of questions and comments. The entire affair was exhilarating but my lasting impression is one of awe. As just one example, I met Martha, the potter, who has her studio right here in the 96 area and produces beautiful pieces. I can hardly wait to enroll in a class with her. The surprise is weird. Why shouldn't there be a potter in 96? If there is a yoga studio (The Yogatorium), why not a potter - and jewelry makers - and a writer of historical fiction for middle schoolers - and a lampshade producer - and numerous other talented people. My appreciation for my birthplace and hometown grew by leaps and bounds this weekend. My appreciation for Donna and Steve, Susan and Pat also soared. With only casual invitations to join me - THEY DID! And, we did a 15-minute demonstration yoga class right in the middle of all the booths in the Train Depot!

The cardinal is STILL flying into the windows of the Yogatorium. I have hung long wide ribbons over each window but he hasn't yet given up completely. The bluebird couple are well settled in their house and spend some time perched on the feeders every day. Goldfinches are enjoying the thistle seed regularly. And, it must be almost time for the hummingbirds to make their appearance. They seem to come earlier each year. All is well at the Pond. May your day be filled with peace.

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