Monday, February 26, 2018

A Day at Litchfield Beach

So here we are - me our first morning here on the ramp in front of our condo on the ground floor.  And Frank (not quite awake yet) on our screened porch.
Today is Monday, two days left here and it seems the only sensible thing to do with them is "keep on keeping on" doing exactly what we've done most days.  Tea and blog writing in the morning for me, then to the porch with  coffee and  my Kindle or iPad for reading...usually romance novels but one truly attention-grabbing one - "Manhattan Beach".
 The sun shines onto our porch until noon so I often apply sunscreen and sit there for an hour or so.  (Applying sunscreen is a first for me - I never did before and probably it's a bit late to begin.)  But, that is one of my activities this month - taking care of Jaquie.
About 10:00 Frank comes alive - well, actually he just gets up and begins the process - coffee is the awakener.  Then he plays SpiderSolitaire on the laptop and eventually splits his time between that and his "episodes"- Longmire, NCIS, Hawaii 5-0, etc.  I also play solitaire - but with my deck of cards I bought in Ireland years ago.
There's always a nap mid-afternoon and usually a run to Fresh Market or Bi-Lo, which is nearer.
So you see, there's plenty of time to cogitate, which I'm doing much of.  On the other hand, I also find myself with a blank mind.  It has simply stopped whirring and I'm no longer aware of the inner boiling pot.  Oh how I hope I can continue at least a bit of that!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

More Lovely Things

Anthurium from Frank
This beautiful anthurium plant was given to me by Frank on Valentine's Day.  It is another "lovely thing" to add to my list.  The interesting instruction that came with the plant is to water it weekly by placing 4 to 6 ice cubes on the soil.  What a clever way to water plants!
And another item:  Grass-fed rib-eye steak from The Fresh Market.  We broiled it last night for dinner along with brussel sprouts and sweet potato - a truly lovely meal, both in appearance and in eating!  Sorry I didn't photograph it.
Now we have only three more days of our month of vacation.  And it's enough.  We will enjoy winding up our stay here with a second dinner at Frank's Restaurant and a visit to the lovely consignment shop just across the causeway on Hwy 17.  But mostly we'll continue our routine.  I arise at 7:00 and write a blog post, read an iBook   in the sun on the porch with my green tea, honey, and apple cider vinegar.   Go to the Inn's lobby for yogurt, bananas, and blueberry muffins.  Return to our condo with breakfast and switch to coffee, back onto the porch.  Frank arises about 10:00, I move with yoga practice, and sometimes a walk on the beach.  And so our days begin.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Lovely Things

Here is the scene from our screened porch.  We don't even have to leave our condo to feel right on the ocean!  The other photo is of a few of the muses in Brookgreen Gardens - a "must-visit" in the coastal area of SC.
In my beach reading I have run across a suggestion that keeps returning to my mind - Write a list of lovely things.  So this morning, I am beginning with these two photo reminders of lovely things.
1.  The beach-ocean-sky
2.  Sculpture at Brookgreen Gardens
3.  Visits from friends - Diana
4.  Family members who visit - Jim and Anne
5.  The sun rising ever higher over the waves
6.  My cup of green tea with honey and apple cider vinegar each morning
7.  Afternoon naps
8.  Morning naps
9.  Waking and the first stretch in the bed
10.  A clean floor
11.  Laundry fresh from the dryer
12.  Smiles upon meeting sales associates in the grocery stores
13.  Older couples walking the beach
14.  Sautéed veggies
15.  A distant friend's occasional telephone call
16.  Salt baths
17.  Sun bathing
18.  Spa massages

In a way, this was similar to writing "gratitude" lists, but a bit different emotion erupts here.  A very pleasant one.  Perhaps I'll continue my list tomorrow, but now - the tea is finished and it is time for coffee with stevia and almond milk on the porch.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Tell me, what is it you plan to do......Mary Oliver

Litchfield Beach, at Pawleys Island, SC.
Here we are - My brother Jim, Anne,  Frank and I strolled through a small part of the gardens yesterday.  Frank took the photo and then Jim took the one of Frank and me.  As you can see, our vacation since February 1 has been good for us!  It was special having Jim and Anne here to enjoy the gardens and then a delightful supper at Frank's Restaurant here in Pawleys Island.  Truly one not to miss.  Also enjoyed a lovely lunch at Brookgreen.  Now the ticket into the gardens is a 7-day pass, so Frank and I will return at least once more before we leave on the 28th.

Last night during our Pod call - Kathy, Faye, Nancy and I - I mentioned a line from a Mary Oliver poem - Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your wild and wonderful life? and I am still pondering that question.  Beginning in 1996, more than 20 years ago, I pondered that question seriously for four years prior to my retirement from Clemson.  It was well worth the effort for my final answer to the question is still valid.  I discovered six things that make me happy:  travel, learning, clothes, center stage, physical activity...and for the life of me I can't remember the sixth one this morning....but all of these factors are important parts of my life
In 2001 I began teaching yoga at a Senior Action Center in Greenville and I have never stopped teaching and practicing yoga - the answer to Mary Oliver's question.  And, indeed, my life is wild and wonderful!

How is yours?