Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Todd Leaves the Pond

An era has ended.  Todd and Aleah are on their way to Spearfish, South Dakota, where he will live - returning to his home state.  Luckily, on their way, they stopped on Sunday morning at Cracker Barrel near Frank's home and we met them for breakfast.  Many of you are well aware that Todd and I have been like brother and sister for several years now and it is definitely a tough happening having him gone.  He was my personal caretaker in so many instances and always the caretaker of the place.  Not only did he build the deck at The Yogatorium, but he fixed everything that broke - many times before it broke!  Perhaps most special, he inspired and accompanied me on my spiritual growth journey and as an energy healer.  Todd will always have a warm place in my heart.

Coming Back to Life

Yes, the Pond has more water.  And, more wildlife.  We have seen the Great Blue Heron, 3 ducks, a few turtles, and even a snake skimming the surface this morning.  And the frogs are giving a concert every evening - sometimes so loud we can't hold a conversation.  These days of long, slow rains are exactly what we need for the Pond.  The grasses in the center of the Pond were left on purpose as fish habitat.  And, I suspect turtle hibernation beneath the grasses while the water was gone.  It is truly fun to sit and watch this beautiful spot rejuvenate itself.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Fall Begins Now

Red Maples at The Pond 2014
When a season changes I'm always reminded of the major reason I live here instead of Albuquerque or some other place in the Southwest, which I dearly love.  It's the four nearly equal seasons.  I have lived in Southern California, Eastern Oregon, Albuquerque, Maryland, Iowa, Alabama and, of course, born and raised here where I now live again.  None of those places can boast four nearly equal seasons, except perhaps Alabama, and maybe Maryland?  What is so preferable about that?  I LOVE CHANGE.  Already my spirits have been lifted in the last week when I pulled out two cotton sweaters and actually wore them for the first time since last spring - and then only rarely.  Now, of course, I am back to tank tops and shorts after ten o'clock in the morning…...  The changing colors in the woods are a gift from God we don't see in some parts of this beautiful country.  (I must confess, this is last fall's red maples - they haven't yet changed this year.)

Jesse Lee - at The Pond

Diana just reminded me that I haven't written in a while.  My Goodness! It's been eleven days!  That just goes to show you how busy and fulfilling my life has been!  Part of the reason is moving from the cottage into the larger house has been occupying all my spare time.  It's truly fun building a new nest, but also time-consuming.  ….Another event - Jesse, Todd's son from Brazil, has been here for a couple weeks now and I've enjoyed getting to spend some time enjoying his visit - particularly the singing and guitar playing -which he did for our spiritual growth meeting on Sunday last.  Jesse has now committed to living the life of an artist - music is his forte.  He calls his music "funky, folky, love music" and I call it "easy listening" and "thought-provoking."  His "Believe" is truly lovely and inspiring.  Oh yes, Jesse writes all his songs!  He is now in the process of preparing his first solo album.    Unfortunately he's leaving Friday so I'll also lose my computer consultant!  But, he promises to return.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Wedding Gift for Guests

But the ark was enough, is enough.  Because the ark is wherever human beings come together as human beings in such a way that the differences  between them stop being barriers--the way if people meet at the wedding, say, of someone they both love, all the differences of age between them, all the real and imagined differences of color, of wealth, of education, no longer divide them but become for each a source of strength and delight, and although they may go right on looking at each other as very odd fish indeed, it becomes an oddness to gladden the heart, and there is no shyness anymore, no awkwardness or fear of each other.  …..Frederick Buechner, in "Secrets in the Dark."  p. 48
Just six days ago I experienced the gift Buechner is describing in his book of sermons so much more beautifully than I could. It seems worth sharing.  Just for fun, I'm including a photo of Kate cutting her brother's birthday cake  at the home of  Jeff's parents the day before her wedding.  You see Jeff''s niece and sister and James with Kate.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Celebrating at the Doran's Home

We are in Islamorada for Kate's wedding to Jeff tomorrow night.  Arrived Friday afternoon about 3:00 and are totally enjoying all of the festivities.  Today was especially exciting as we swam with dolphins! Some photos will be forthcoming later but it was a fantastic experience.  We were kissed by the dolphin, were pulled by two at once while we held onto their dorsal fins, got to get them to turn over so we could rub their bellies, and even more!  What a blast!  Last night we had dinner on the beach - about 20 of us - and tonight another supper at Jeff's parents' home on a canal where folks swam and fished and we ate like kings!  Fish and hamburgers, cole slaw, etc.  Chocolate birthday cake for Kate's brother James and finally key lime pie tarts with mounds of meringue.  What fun it is to be celebrating with two beautiful people and their friends and families.  The energy is so beautiful!!   .

More Talk of Kate and Jeff's Wedding

Tonight we are in Brunswick, GA at a motel.  Had a nice day-long trip today from Islamorada here.  We are both still reviewing and reliving the past three days - sharing time and space with Kate's  and Jeff's family and friends in so many delightful ways.  Eating new foods - like yellow fin snapper and conch fritters and key lime pie, etc. etc.  Like swimming with the dolphins - an experience I'll never ever forget!  And so much more.  Especially the contact and connection with so many beautiful people who are so open, optimistic, and FUN!  The energy these last few days has been indescribably powerful!  What a joy when such deep connections occur.  How wonderful it is to share our lives with other extended family members and be there when the deepest, most meaningful vows of all - the marriage ones - are exchanged.  The sunset over the water was beautiful at the close of the wedding vows.  The night before, the double rainbow was perfect to begin the festivities, the swim in the canal at the home of Jeff's parents - and more.  A weekend to remember, for sure.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Kate and Jeff's Wedding

Well, it's a wonderful experience being here in Islamorada for Kate and Jeff's wedding.  We have had two lovely days sharing space in wonderful ways.  This afternoon there was a quick rain shower but apparently we're clear for the wedding at 7:00 on the beach.  It has been fun renewing acquaintances and making new ones here to celebrate with Kate and Jeff.  Here's a quick shot of Kate on Friday evening at the gathering showing her shingles spots on her leg!  Yep, of all times, shingles!  But, truly not a serious case.  Time to leave for the wedding now.  More later.