Thursday already--Yesterday was a fun one! Luke and I went to LeSpa and he had a "back facial" while I had a "salt exfoliation and body massage." What a treat! Tomorrow Susan and I are going back for "complete facials." We found a store in Sea Pines Center with a unique idea--the owner has a marketing idea like none I've ever seen before. For $25 you can buy a filet mignon, a lobster tail, and a bottle of wine of your choice! We did and Luke cooked them for us last night. Unfortunately, the rain was pouring down so he had to try using the oven broiler - which didn't work so well on the steaks as the outside grill - a bit underdone for everyone's taste but mine and his - still a fun experience. The store owner has in his place also some liquor (including pear vodka and organic vodka) - ice cream, a few groceries, some art objects, some clothes, books, just about anything you can think of. He explained that he's simply answering needs - whatever someone says they would like to be able to buy, he stocks!!!! Happens to be a Clemson guy married to a Clemson grad. Took my first bike ride yesterday - truly FUN but a bit too adventurous. When Jack said there was a side trip coming up on the trail I said "Sure, let's take it." Well, the trail dwindled down to a tiny wooden bridge and two twists that I didn't quite make and ended up with a couple skint places on my arm when I fell into the fence rails. So, I'll stick to the main trails from now on - at least till I get a bit more confident in my biking skills. Here's a couple photos from Captain Woody's the other night. Been too busy to take photos!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Truffles, Beach, Shopping
Good morning! Another day at the beach for the boys while Susan and I do a bit of shopping and ladies lunch out. Truffles is my favorite place in Sea Pines and Susan has yet to eat there - so we'll go into Sea Pines and shop around a bit there today. Last night we had dinner at Captain Woody's a favorite of all of us - the food is spectacular and the ambience just perfect for a family outing. My scallops Jasmine were super good, as usual. Right now, the boys are spraying sunscreen and getting ready to take off, so we'll load the car and head out. We are keeping up with Wimbledon and USC's baseball, but not glued to the screen. Lots of bike riding - oh yeah, a huge alligator spotted sunning himself on the bank near the entry gate. Alligator spotting is one of the great goals these weeks every year. Off we go!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Bike locks mystery solved
We're settling into a routine - Early morning walk for me among the beautiful surroundings in Shipyard Plantation. Then, after breakfast I drop the family off at the beach (parking is tough) for three or four hours of beach time for them and quiet time for me. Jack and Sam are happy little boys with bikes to ride wherever they wish all by themselves now - no parent to accompany them. This is a first and a joy for them AND the parents. I've rented a bike for myself and will begin training today - probably won't make a long trip, but at least I'll get started. A bit of a difficulty yesterday - boys and Luke rode bikes to the beach and couldn't remember the combination numbers to unlock the lock. So, a phone call fixed that - but the important part was Sam, the 8-year-old finally taught Luke, the 44-year-old how to unlock the lock by pushing one side rather than pulling both! Anyhow, it all came out OK with a plunge in the pool when they finally got back to the villa. It's so refreshing to have fun problems rather than the everyday, run of the mill problems that occur with living life NOT on vacation. I'm LOVING it.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Leaving for Hilton Head
Off to Hilton Head this morning for two weeks with family. Along with a short power outage, the thunderstorm last evening produced a beautiful red sky! I've never seen anything like it before. ------ Ready to finalize packing the car and heading out to Hilton Head. Can't check in till 3:30 but I'm so ready, I'll probably get there earlier. This annual trip has been going on many years now and is always a highlight of our family memories. Also, get a chance now to visit with niece Kate at least this one time each year. We share yoga stories (she, too, has her own studio) and family memories. ----I also always take advantage of the summer sale at Chico's. Used to be a Talbot's shopper when I was a part of the professional working world, but NO LONGER! Now, it's just FUN clothes. ----- Time for breakfast. By the way, I'm trying to write on FB more regularly so you might want to check there. Not stopping my blog, just expanding my social networking!!! And to think, in the past that meant "working the room" but no longer!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
PBJ in Your Eye
Here's Sam!
Well, one good story to tell - yesterday the kids were playing at a neighbor's house while I made a quick run to Luke's office to help him with a project. Upon my return I found both boys with wet heads. Why? We had to dunk our heads in the sink. Why? We had peanut butter and jelly in our hair. Why? We had a pie in your face game going and Sam slapped Torey with a piece of bread coated in peanut butter and jelly and Torey slapped Sam with one. The problem occurred when peanut butter got in Torey's eye. The screaming and hollering brought the house husband out to shoo all the kids home - and that's when I arrived. They had asked for shaving cream and for whipped cream, both of which were denied. I guess is that's the most damage that occurs, I'm lucky! I'm just glad it happened at Torey's house in stead of ours!!!! ----On my way back to the Pond tonight. By the way, in addition to learning PBJ, I also learned MacD's is McDonalds. That one didn't take me long, but the PBJ had me guessing for a while. Shades of Texting!!!! Will anyone be able to spell a word????
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Child Tending
Jack and Sam at my laptop doing Webkinz
Well, another day, another car pooling to football camp. This time, it went a bit more smoothly - only one wrong turn and I recognized it immediately and zipped around and corrected. Yesterday I stopped three times to ask runners for directions. Jack's school is 45 minutes closer to Atlanta than Luke's home, so the traffic gets thicker with each mile! But, I'm getting there. Soon I'll be just as comfortable as others who live here - well, maybe not that relaxed, but at least more so. Frankly, it would be much easier alone than with two or sometimes three kids in the car all telling me which way to go or hollering at each other. But, that's grandmothering - and I'm truly glad to be able to do it! This morning I said to Sam, "Doesn't your motor ever stop running?" And, he was quiet for all of one minute - something of a record unless he's at a computer. Right now there are 4 kids in the play room, and NEVER only one talking! FYI Jack is 10 and Sam 8.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Vacation has begun - in Atlanta at Luke's
Well, I'm back in Atlanta - had a sample of road work delays this morning - 15 minutes to go less than a mile - typical of drives here. Anyhow, made it to Jack's St. Francis school football camp ten minutes before he was through - stopped by the Golden Arches for Happy Meals for Jack and his football camp buddy, Brendan, and on home, then to swimming pool and a quiet hour while Jack and Sam swam with friends and I began a romance novel. Tomorrow will be another one with Jack and Sam while Susan works at the Apparel Mart and Luke at his office - both trying to tie up loose ends before leaving this weekend for Hilton Head with me for ten days. In the meantime, painters are painting the outside of their home so LOTS of activity. What a change from my little cottage on the Pond where activity is at a minimum! ----- So, vacation has begun. It was a joy to meet with my yoga class at the Y and have Joanne ready to take over while I'm gone. And, to have five students at my Yogatorium last evening. I am SOOOOOO blessed!----In the meantime, also, a trip to Toyota service revealed a nail in my tire AND the tire sensor is out of whack so it didn't come on - I just had a premonition I'd better check it again. Those premonitions surely are a blessing! - and Jaquie's life goes on. Hope yours, too, is FUN at least most of the time!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
On the Road Again
Jack showering after the Pond swim.
Time for another photo. Here it is Sunday already! Thursday I drove from Atlanta to Asheville to 96 for the night. Friday I drove to Atlanta to finish sewing all the flags to the Rotary banner for Luke. Saturday I finished the sewing project and went to Sydney's dance recital (Son Tate's daughter) which was a delightful event. She, of course, was the most graceful, beautiful one on the stage! Brought back memories of my time as a Star of Tomorrow! Got to visit with Tate's in-laws, Betty and Bill, which was a pleasure. Then, drove back to the Pond for the night. FINALLY, got to church this morning after a fun visit with Donna who is here for Father's Day. Tomorrow, I'll do the last yoga class at the Y in the morning and at the Yogatorium at 6:00 then drive back to Atlanta for three nights. Believe me, I've been on the road a bunch! But, I'm listening to an audiobook and hardly know I'm not sitting at home in my easy chair. Besides, the car knows the way now between the Pond and Atlanta almost without my paying any attention.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Time Off
Vacation has begun! At least partially. I will return home Sunday and come back on Tuesday for another three days. I'm in Suwanee at Luke and Susan's home with Jack and Sam. Left home at 6:00 this morning to get here in time for Luke to leave for work. So, needless to say a nap was required after breakfast! Then, off to the swimming pool where the boys entertain themselves, of course. So, I managed to finish a romance novel sitting in the shade of an umbrella by the pool. Strange how relaxing it is to be away from home. All the things I seem to be concerned about, vanish. I must admit, my concerns are few, but still, it's a freeing that is delightful. Especially now that the boys are so capable of entertaining themselves. Tomorrow I'll head for Asheville and a visit with Dr. Biddle, then back here. So, I'll be in the road most of the day. Which I enjoy, especially with audio books from the library. This time I'll listen to a novel rather than some tutorial. Don't want to learn anything right now. Happy just as I am!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Here's Grandma in the Pond
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Cedar Trees
I really can't explain what is happening - why I'm not writing daily - but I promise I'll figure it out and fix it. Yesterday in my book writing I surprised myself with some thoughts on the connection between everything in the Universe. It began with noticing the humongous display of berries on the cedar tree I saw as I walked over to the labyrinth. Juniperus virginiana is not a true cedar, but that's what we call them. So, I'll share a photo with you. Birds distribute the seeds and the trees are often seen growing along fence rows where the seeds have been dropped. This is my favorite Christmas tree. I love the aroma of the cedar. One of my favorite pieces of furniture is a hand made cedar chest my parents bought for me in the mountains of North Carolina when I was a teenager. It still resides in my bedroom and has defended my wool blankets and sweaters from moths for many, many years. It does need to be sanded inside to release more of the aroma. Maybe I'll do that this summer. (I've been saying that for several years now and have yet to actually do it!) ----The Pond is still this morning. It's been in the 90s for several days now and will continue there. I hope it's not too hot for Luke and Jack to catch some fish when they come this afternoon. I do occasionally see one jumping - at least early in the morning. Time to refill my tea mug.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Checking in
Friend Kathy is here from Atlanta for the weekend so I won't write much - just enough to let you know I'm thinking of you - even though I'm never quite sure who might be reading this! Kind of fun to have the mystery in operation. This way I can imagine any audience I wish! Still, it's always fun when someone tells me they read my blog. Have a GREAT DAY. I wish you love - peace - and joy.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Well, I did it again. It's been a week since I wrote. Sorry. But, it has been for good reason. I'm trying to write a book, as I've mentioned many times before, and discovered I need to do it first thing in the mornings (when I usually do my blog writes). I had every intention of getting the blog posts out later in the day, but it just didn't happen. The good news is, the book writes are coming along nicely - a short write almost every day. My coach is happy with what is coming out now, as am I. I'm also dragging a bit ---still two more days to go on the antibiotics but then, THEN hopefully my energy will surge and stay up! It's been a very long 18 days on antibiotics. So, please don't give up on me. I will try hard to do better at staying in touch.
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