Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Body and Soul - O'Donohue

Many of you are aware of my continuing study of yoga and Celtic spirituality. John O'Donohue's book, Anam Cara (soul companion), is one of my often-read sources. I'd like to share with you an entire section, but for some reason it won't transfer from a file to this post. So, I am posting a few highlights and will be happy to send via email the entire one-page article from the book.

Your mind can deceive you and put all kinds of barriers between you and your nature; but your body does not lie.............

The body is your only home in the universe. It is your house of belonging here in the world. It is a very sacred temple. To spend time in silence before the mystery of your body brings you toward wisdom and holiness.........

Close your eyes and relax into your body. Imagine a light all around you, the light of your soul. Then with your breath, draw that light into your body and bring it with your breath through every area of your body............

One of the oldest meditations is to imagine the light coming into you, and then on your outward breath to imagine you are exhaling the darkness or an inner charcoal residue.......

The inner voices of the body want to speak to us, to inform us of the truths beneath the fixed surface of our external lives.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Some people ask for more.

Some people have asked for more notes from me since the Ireland postings ended. So here goes a new blog. I hope whoever reads my postings will comment either directly (ask and I'll explain - it's really simple once you know how) or by email. Particularly if you decide it's no fun reading tell me and I'll write about something else.

It hit me this morning as I was studying "Where Three Streams Meet" that I am almost every day studying and learning something. Perhaps others might be interested in learning from my perusings so here's a few thoughts for today.

By the way, I also have an ulterior motive - learned from TV the other day (Yes, I actually watch it occasionally now.) that only a very small percentage (less than 5%) of seniors (don't remember WHICH seniors) who use a computer do blog. So, you know me, I had to see if I could put one up without Kate's help! Now the challenge for all you seniors is to comment so you can then say you blog, too!

A strange concept I found is "scrying" and, as usual, I went to Google to find out what in the world scrying is. You can do the same thing, of course, but before you do, since you're here right now, I can tell you it's a form of seeking the divine (divination) or simply thinking by looking into water, a crystal ball, the clouds, a mirror, etc. to see shapes and interpret them for your own personal growth. I'd be willing to bet every one of you has found shapes in clouds, but how many of you have attempted to analyze what the shape means in terms of your own personal growth? Kind of like interpreting dreams, is my take on this. What's yours?

Enough for one day. (By the way you're looking at Walker, Sydney, Sam, Kelsey, and Jack with me. Photo taken by Luke Haymond. Profile head shot by Kelsey Haymond.)